Welcome to the Website of the Commercial Industry Caucus Formed in 2004 in response to directives from Fisheries and Oceans Canada, the Commercial Industry Caucus (CIC) is a consensus-based stakeholder group representing the seven sectors of the Pacific groundfish fishery—Dogfish, Halibut, Lingcod, Rockfish (Inside and Outside), Sablefish, and Trawl as well as the processing sector. Non-sectoral participants from DFO’s Groundfish Management Unit and representatives from the British Columbia Ministry of Environment also participate in CIC meetings.
With the achievement of all sustainable management objectives sought by DFO and the improvement of groundfish stock management overall, this program has given Canada a reputation as a world leader in responsible fisheries management. If you would like to access public CIC documents, ask a question, raise a concern or otherwise give input to the CIC table, please use the virtual office log-in at the top right of this page; enter the following email and password: Email: public@cic.ca Password: cicpublic If you don't find what you're looking on the Public Office site, please contact the CIC directly at the following email: info@commercial-industry-caucus.ca This website will be developing over coming weeks. Please check back soon to see what has changed.
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