Commercial Industry Caucus Vision Statement
The Commercial Industry Caucus (CIC) is a multi-sectoral industry group fully committed to a unified, sustainable groundfish industry on the west coast of Canada that exists for the benefit of all Canadians, now and for the future. It advocates practices that are ecologically and economically sound and supports the basic principles articulated in Canada’s Oceans Act and international agreements.
CIC is committed to implementing exemplary conservation measures while ensuring economic viability for all of its members. These will provide full accountability and monitoring of all groundfish species including allowable catches according to established groundfish management areas.
Fair distribution of access to groundfish stocks, in concert with monitoring standards that promote individual accountability, sustainable harvesting of stocks and conservation measures supported by scientific research are critical to CIC’s success. CIC takes pride in its responsiveness to shifting concerns regarding all groundfish species.
Cooperative relations amongst all CIC members strengthen its ability to make sound, durable decisions. Similarly, collaborative interactions with affected parties external to CIC ensure that the long-term interests of CIC will be by recognizing the interdependent aspects of this vital industry.
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